About Us

At Fairalloy, our purpose is to revolutionize the gold industry by making ASM (Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining) gold accessible to international markets. We are dedicated to incorporating ASM gold into diverse sectors, including luxury jewelry, high-end watchmaking, advanced electronics, and prestigious numismatic organizations worldwide. By focusing on quality, ethical sourcing, and innovation, we aim to redefine the global role of ASM gold and promote sustainable practices across industries.

With extensive experience in manufacturing complex Fairmined-certified products, such as gold potassium cyanide, we bring unparalleled expertise to our operations. Our commitment to quality is supported by modern technology from around the globe, ensuring that our products meet the highest standards.

Our extensive experience in logistics and international trade has enabled us to build a global network of satisfied customers across the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Europe, Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Africa. We pride ourselves on delivering excellence and fostering strong partnerships with our clients.

By bridging the gap between artisanal miners and global markets, we aim to enhance the value of ASM gold, drive sustainable development, and support the communities behind this precious resource. Join us as we redefine the gold industry and create lasting impacts on a global scale.

Our Mission

We aim to make ASM products accessible to everyone dedicated to offering sustainable and responsible jewelry and electronics. Our commitment is to deliver products that are verified for origin, adhere to stringent production standards, and include a fully traceable inventory system. By maintaining the highest levels of transparency and ethical practices, we empower our partners to support both environmental sustainability and artisanal mining communities. Together, let’s drive the future of responsible and socially conscious choices.

Our Story

Revolutionizing the Jewelry Market with Fairmined Certified Gold

Establishing a business venture with college friends often paves the way for exciting and ambitious endeavors. This was certainly the case for Andres, Luis, and Daniel, whose friendship since 2005 not only forged a strong bond but also ignited their collective passion for creating positive change in the precious metals industry. Their remarkable journey began with a mission to revolutionize the jewelry market through their company, Alloy (Fairalloy), by introducing Fairmined-certified gold.

Gaining Experience and Identifying Opportunities

In pursuit of gaining experience and identifying opportunities, Andres invited Luis and Daniel to intern at his family’s precious metals refinery in Bogota, Colombia. Their first project involved recycling spent autocatalysts containing precious platinum group metals. While this venture provided invaluable experience, unforeseen market fluctuations, particularly a significant drop in the price of rhodium, made the project unfeasible.

Undeterred by the setback, the team shifted their focus to another endeavor—the implementation of the Business Alliance for Secure Commerce (BASC) certification. However, they soon discovered an untapped local market for 24k gold, primarily composed of multiple jewelry shops with small orders.

Alloy’s Inception and the Pursuit of Ethical Gold

In 2014, driven by a desire for independence and a shared vision, Andres, Luis, and Daniel established Alloy. They recognized that local jewelers sought gold that was free from associations with pawn shops (recycled gold), as the uncertainty surrounding the origin of such gold raised concerns about stolen items in their supply chains. To address this, Alloy made a commitment to incorporate only 100% mined gold into its supply chain.

Extensive research led the team to two initiatives: Oro Verde and Fairmined, both of which supported ethical mining practices. Alloy contacted Fairmined and began uncovering the remarkable work done by the organization. However, persuading local jewelers of the benefits of using Fairmined certified gold proved to be a challenging task initially.

Over the years, Alloy has significantly invested in acquiring specialized machinery from Europe and collaborating with technical consultants from Germany, the UK, Italy, and the United States. These partnerships and technological advancements have been instrumental in ensuring Alloy’s plant operates with the best machinery and processes available, guaranteeing the highest quality and finishes for their Fairmined-certified products.

Exploring International Markets, Developing Fairmined Products

Realizing the potential of international markets, Alloy sought to expand beyond their local clientele. However, export controls introduced by the Colombian government in 2015 posed significant obstacles, making it prohibitively expensive to export small quantities of gold overseas. The team made extensive efforts to reduce the minimum order quantity (MOQ) from 500 grams to 100 grams, but further improvements were necessary.

At Alloy, our brand story is intricately woven with the remarkable journey of manufacturing gold potassium cyanide. We proudly stand as the sole brand that guarantees complete traceability, starting from Fairmined mines all the way to our finished product.

In 2019, during a fortuitous conversation with our Account Manager from the Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM), we made the decision to reactivate our gold potassium cyanide production plant. Recognizing the complex and specialized nature of the manufacturing process for this chemical compound, we forged a strategic partnership with a distinguished UK gold plating company. This company specializes in the numismatic industry and offers gold vermeil plating services, they were specifically seeking our chemical compound produced with 100% traceable Fairmined certified gold. Our commitment to transparency and responsible mining practices has driven us to acquire unmatched expertise, positioning us as the exclusive brand capable of delivering complete traceability from the source. By ensuring that our gold potassium cyanide is sourced exclusively from Fairmined mines, we prioritize ethical practices and empower local communities. The intricate process of manufacturing gold potassium cyanide demands meticulous precision and adherence to strict safety protocols. Equipped with specialized machinery in electrochemistry, such as reactors and crystallization systems, and bolstered by our comprehensive knowledge of chemical reactions, we maintain the highest standards of quality and efficiency.

At Alloy, we take immense pride in our pioneering role, which enables us to provide industries with a product of unparalleled quality. Our brand story epitomizes dedication, resourcefulness, and a steadfast commitment to sustainability. By guaranteeing complete traceability from Fairmined mines, we offer our customers the assurance of responsible sourcing and contribute to a better future for all.

The Impact of COVID-19 and Shifting Business Strategy

As the world grappled with the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, Alloy faced a steep decline in sales, resulting in difficult decisions. Despite the setbacks, the team utilized the lockdown period to reevaluate their business strategy. They decided to transition entirely to Fairmined certified gold and incorporate Fairmined gold and silver products such as gold potassium cyanide,gold alloys, sheet, and wire.

The Birth of Fairalloy: 

To make Fairmined-certified products accessible to a global audience, Fairalloy has established an office in Miami. This strategic location enhances our logistics and shipping capabilities, allowing us to better serve our international customers and streamline distribution..

Andres, Luis, and Daniel have embarked on an extraordinary journey in the precious metals industry, demonstrating a steadfast commitment to ethical practices. Central to their mission is the goal of significantly improving the lives of small miners. From recycling spent autocatalysts to developing the first 100% Fairmined certified gold potassium cyanide, they are setting new benchmarks for responsible gold sourcing. By establishing Fairalloy’s presence in Miami, they aim not only to enhance the accessibility of ASM gold in the market but also to empower small miners and improve their livelihoods. Through collaborative efforts and fair compensation, they are making a tangible impact, inspiring others to adopt ethical sourcing and production practices, and fostering positive social and environmental change.

Through international technical collaborations and investments in specialized machinery, Fairllaoy has demonstrated its unwavering commitment to quality, precision, and ethical practices in the precious metals industry. By incorporating the best machinery and processes available, Alloy aims to ensure that its Fairmined certified products meet and exceed its customers’ expectations while contributing to responsible and sustainable practices in the industry.