The Industrial Recycled Gold Lie

Industrial recycled gold is essentially a fabricated concept regarding the source and origin of gold, designed to obscure the fact that recycled gold is largely obtained from a wide range of pawn shops and cash-for-gold businesses. It is more practical and safer for...

Assessing Risks of Recycled Gold from Refineries

First and foremost, it’s highly important to create a basic flowchart outlining the supply chain of recycled gold. This visual representation will reveal a wealth of information efficiently. You’ll soon realize that recycled gold primarily comes from pawn...

KYC does not mean Traceability

The application of KYC (Know Your Customer) is the fundamental pillar of widely adopted gold supply chain standards, such as RJC Chain of Custody, LBMA Responsible Sourcing Programme, Responsible Minerals Iniciative among others. However: What is KYC? Does this...