The Case for Fairmined: Responsible Choices in Gold

The entire supply chain is identified and audited:

  • All parts of the supply chain are identified, starting from the origin of gold in a certified ASM mine, through the refiner, the authorized supplier, up to the licensee who sells products to the public.
  • The Fairmined Standard requires periodic audits of each company or individual involved in the supply chain, with a focus on the most critical point—the mine—and its impact on the environment and the community.
  • Critical parts of the supply chain are audited by independent companies affiliated with ARM.

There is rigorous and verifiable inventory control:

  • The Fairmined standard demands inventory control of certified metals through a centralized control system that involves recording and validating each metal exchange among certificates.
  • Products with the Fairmined seal must be segregated throughout the supply chain; they cannot be combined, mixed, or processed together with gold from other sources.

It’s all about the people:

  • The Fairmined Standard requires sustainable environmental practices in the communities and regions where gold is extracted. Sustainability commitments are gradually implemented and involve a total commitment from the communities. That’s why a fee, known as a premium, must be paid to small-scale and artisanal miners to sponsor the costs associated with adopting new extraction practices.
  • Fairmined brings visibility to all individuals in the supply chain, giving a face to the effort and work involved in delivering certified raw materials as part of their commitment to transparency.

If you want to learn more about Fairmined, visit Fairmined web